Lauren A. Magee

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The Hidden Consequences of Exposure to Firearm Violence

Dr. Lauren Magee's interdisciplinary research intersects the fields of public health and criminal justice and focuses on how social determinants of health, poverty, and neighborhood dynamics influence violence and other health outcomes among adolescents and young adults. Her research takes a mixed-methods approach by leveraging police and health care data linked at the individual level and through qualitative interviews with victims to identify opportunities for intervention, with specific emphasis on individuals with mental illness, substance use disorders, and those involved in firearm violence.

Firearm injuries surpassed vehicle-related accidents as the leading cause of death among children and youth in the US in 2020. Little research has focused on nonfatal firearm injuries, despite being four times more prevalent than firearm fatalities. Individuals who survive a firearm injury experience increases in adverse mental health outcomes, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, and depression disorder. Beyond the survivor, family members also suffer increased subsequent mental health needs and communities more broadly are affected. This research examines mental health outcomes among family members of firearm injury survivors and explores engagement with mental health services among survivors.

Dr. Magee's translation of research into establishing resources for the victims of gun violence and their family members is another excellent example of how IUPUI's faculty members are TRANSLATING their RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE.
