Hull, GregConnelly, Carly2016-01-082016-01-082015 am anxiously aware of human vulnerability; the brevity of living and the impermanence of the present. There is a prism of experience in the complexity of life and death through which my work is influenced. Nothing is a direct reproduction of reality but rather, a reformed, reshaped and restored version of its past. My work imitates subconscious fears, passions, and relationships with a world that provides both destruction and renewal; the dichotomy of pain and pleasure in life in many ways informs the understanding of self and identity - but it does not define it. The work blurs between reality and fantasy, exposure and repression, surface and structure, eternity and the ephemeral. I transform materials and blend processes to create mixed media sculptures and installations that respond to space, form, and compositional relationships that re-examine my own existence and serves as a self-portrait.enBodilyOrganicProcess artMaterialMeatTransformationRegrowthDecayContemporary glassAmorphousAbstractSculptureUnattached