Beacham, Barbara L.Deatrick, Janet A.2016-05-312016-05-312015-02Beacham, B. L., & Deatrick, J. A. (2015). Children with chronic conditions: perspectives on condition management. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 30(1), 25–35. qualitative study described children's (8-13 years old) perspectives of their chronic health conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis): how they perceived their condition, its management, and its implications for their future. The study used the family management style framework (FMSF) to examine child perspectives on the joint venture of condition management between the child and family. Children within this age group viewed condition management in ways similar to their parents and have developed their own routines around condition management. Future studies of this phenomenon comparing child and parent perspectives would further our understanding of the influence of family management.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesChronic health conditionsCondition managementSchool-aged childrenManagementLong-term conditionsChildren with chronic conditions: perspectives on condition managementArticle