Bringle, Robert G.Hatcher, Julie A.Muthiah, Richard N.2016-05-252016-05-252010Bringle, Robert G., Hatcher, Julie A., Muthiah, Richard N. (2010). The Role of Service-Learning on the Retention of First-Year Students to Second Year. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Spring 2010, pp. 38-49. of college students is a priority of all colleges and universities. This research investigated whether or not student enrollment in a service-learning course in the fall semester of college was related to (a) intentions to stay on that campus, based on self-reports at the end of the semester, and (b) reenrollment the following fall on that campus, based on reports from campus registrars the following fall. Enrollment in a service-learning course was related to intentions to continue at the same campus and this relationship was mediated by the higher quality of service-learning courses (vs. non service-learning courses). This relationship between service-learning and intentions to re-enroll at the same campus held even when pre-course intentions were covaried out. Re-enrollment at the same campus the following year was found to be related to enrollment in a service-learning course. This relationship was mediated by the higher quality of the service-learning courses (vs. non-service-learning courses) and greater intention to continue education at the campus, but these relationships did not persist after controlling for pre-course intentions.en-USThe Role of Service-Learning on the Retention of First-Year Students to Second YearArticle