Levine Daniel, JamieBosslet, GabrielZee-Cheng, Janine2022-11-222022-11-222022-08-05Jamie Levine Daniel, Gabriel Bosslet, & Janine Zee-Cheng. (2022, August 5). Op/Ed: Indiana abortion law won’t improve health for Hoosiers, but will increase obstacles. The Indianapolis Star. https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2022/08/05/indiana-abortion-law-will-increase-barriers-to-care-for-hoosiers/65392225007/https://hdl.handle.net/1805/30612The Indiana Senate passed Senate Bill 1 on Saturday (July 30, 2022), which will ban abortion in Indiana. The House is set to vote on it this week. A close examination of the bill and the fate of amendments proposed in the Senate’s legislative process demonstrate that this process does not appear to be motivated by improving health outcomes for Hoosiers, limiting the number of abortions in the state or representing the will of the majority of Hoosiers.en-USIndianaAbortion accessIndiana General Assembly 2022 Special Session. SB 1Op/Ed: Indiana abortion law won't improve health for Hoosiers, but will increase obstaclesOther