Alfaraj, AmalSu, Fang-YuLin, Wei-Shao2022-05-122022-05-122022Alfaraj, A., Su, F.-Y., & Lin, W.-S. (2022). CAD-CAM Hollow Obturator Prosthesis: A Technical Report. Journal of Prosthodontics. obturator with a hollow bulb can decrease the overall weight of the prosthesis, stress on the underlying tissues, and patient discomfort. Although many techniques and materials have been proposed in the literature for hollowing the obturator prosthesis, they are often time-consuming and technique sensitive. This proposed technique used an open-source software program to hollow digital design of solid obturator base from a commercially available software in one single convenient step. The hollowing process allowed precise control of prosthesis thickness at the hollow space area for desirable hermetic seal and prosthesis strength.enPublisher Policy3D printinghollow bulbopen-SourceCAD-CAM Hollow Obturator Prosthesis: A Technical ReportArticle