Packiasabapathy, SenthilRangasamy, ValluvanSadhasivam, Senthilkumar2023-06-052023-06-052021Packiasabapathy S, Rangasamy V, Sadhasivam S. Pupillometry in perioperative medicine: a narrative review. Pupillométrie en médecine périopératoire : une revue narrative. Can J Anaesth. 2021;68(4):566-578. doi:10.1007/s12630-020-01905-z Pupillometry is a technique for objective quantification of nociception that takes into account the central processing of noxious stimuli and its sympathetic response. This narrative review provides an overview of the physiology of the pupil, the principles of pupillometry, and its potential application in the perioperative environment, especially in nociception monitoring and quantifying responses to opioids. Source: Relevant articles, including reports of original investigation, review articles, and meta-analyses were identified from searches of PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Articles that described pupillary physiology and pupillometry, along with original research reports of the application of pupillometry in perioperative and critical care environment were used to synthesize a narrative review. Principal findings: Pupillometry is emerging as an objective measure of nociception, especially in patients under general anesthesia, children, non-verbal patients, and critically ill patients who cannot effectively communicate ongoing pain. Portable automated pupillometers have made accurate quantification of pupillary reflexes, including light reflex and dilatation reflex, possible. This technique has been successfully studied in the perioperative setting for a number of applications, including quantification of nociception, response to analgesia, and assessing efficacy of regional blocks. Pupillary oscillations have shown promise in assessing central opioid effects. Pupillometers can also accurately quantify light reflexes during the neurologic evaluation of critically ill patients. Conclusions: Pupillometry is an easy to use non-invasive bedside technique to quantify nociception and monitor opioid effects. It has the potential to personalize pain management in perioperative and intensive care unit environments. Additional studies are needed to further understand the utility of pupillometry in this context.Publisher PolicyPain monitorPupillary reflex dilatationPupillometerQuantitative pupillometryPupillometry in perioperative medicine: a narrative reviewArticle