Verma, Sudhanshu KumarMolitoris, Bruce A.2016-05-312016-05-312015-01Verma, S. K., & Molitoris, B. A. (2015). Renal endothelial injury and microvascular dysfunction in acute kidney injury. Seminars in Nephrology, 35(1), 96–107. kidney is comprised of heterogeneous cell populations that function together to perform a number of tightly controlled, complex and interdependent processes. Renal endothelial cells contribute to vascular tone, regulation of blood flow to local tissue beds, modulation of coagulation and inflammation, and vascular permeability. Both ischemia and sepsis have profound effects on the renal endothelium, resulting in microvascular dysregulation resulting in continued ischemia and further injury. In recent years, the concept of the vascular endothelium as an organ that is both the source of and target for inflammatory injury has become widely appreciated. Here we revisit the renal endothelium in the light of ever evolving molecular advances.Publisher PolicyAKIKidneyendotheliumRenal endothelial injury and microvascular dysfunction in acute kidney injuryArticle